Reservists alternately referred to as citizen soldiers, are those individuals who compose the AFP Reserve Force and are incorporated as follows:

  1. Commissioned under Cir 30 s-87 (Procurement and Appointment of Reserve Officer)

  2. Commissioned under Cir 6 AFP dtd 19 Mar 06. (Elected government officials and Presidential Appointees in the Reserve Force, AFP)

  3. Graduates of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Basic and Advance courses that were issued orders as enlisted reservists or officer reservists of the AFP.

  4. Graduates of authorized basic military training/instructions, that as result thereof, were issued orders as reservists of the AFP.

  5. Ex-servicemen of the AFP who were honorably discharged or retired from the service and who are Filipino citizens.

  6. Commissioned Officers and enlisted personnel under the Affiliated Reserve category and civilian graduates of the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) who were commissioned in the AFP Reserve Force.

  7. Commissioned officers and enlisted personnel under existing laws including those procured under Project 36-70 and are included in the present AFP roster before the enactment of RA 7077 and those to be commissioned or enlisted in the Reserve Force after the enactment of said Act.

  8. Commissioned under DND Cir 4 dtd 05 July 2010 ( Application for commissioned in the Reserved Force AFP)


The following are the roles of Reservists:

  1. Peacetime Role: During peacetime, reserve forces are developed hand-in-hand with the active force through career development, unit training and participation in military exercises. They are also utilized in ISO, CMO and information collection.

  2. Crises: During Crises, Ready Reserve Force units are utilized in accordance to their core competencies i.e. Disaster operation, Rehabilitation operation.

  3. Wartime Role: During wartime, reserve forces shall be mobilized to provide service support and base defense and provide combat forces as need arises.


The following are the roles of Reservists:

  1. Must not be less than twenty-one (21) years nor more than sixty-four (64) years of age at the time of appointment as reserve officer.

  2. Must be a Filipino citizen

  3. Must pass the Physical Examination standards conducted by authorized AFP Hospital or civilian/government hospitals and the physical examination report shall be validated by the Major Service Chief Surgeons/The Surgeon General, AFP as the case may be.

  4. Must have passed the Philippine Bar

  5. Must pass the AFP aptitude test battery (AFPATB)

  6. Pre-Commission Training

  7. OJ2 Clearance


Applicant must have none of the following disqualifications:

  1. Has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or crime against the State before any court or military tribunal;

  2. Is on a permanent resident status with another country;

  3. Failure to meet the AFP physical and mental standards for military service;

  4. Had previously lost his/her commission in the Regular Force or Reserve Force, AFP for cause namely
    1. for unsatisfactory service,
    2. by reason of resignation in lieu of court martial/ administrative proceedings, or
    3. As a result of court-martial or administrative proceedings

  5. Being institutionalized as a patient of a mental hospital with high tendencies or predispositions of relapse;

  6. Being in the active list of Armed Forces of a foreign country at the time of appointment;

  7. Being accused of an offense involving moral turpitude or any crime against the state or national security before any civil or military court at the time of appointment/adjustment of rank;

  8. Being a respondent of any criminal case filed in any prosecutors office or its equivalent in any part of the Philippines at the time of appointment/adjustment of rank;

  9. Being a member of any unlawful or subversive organization;

  10. Being an evader of any military duty or instruction within the purview of National Defense Act; and

  11. Any other causes, which the Secretary of National Defense may direct.