Welcome To JAGS Reserve

The Judge Advocate General Service (JAGS) Reserve is a unit that supports and complements the Active JAGS in addressing the legal requirements of the AFP. Its mandate is to continuously organize, train and develop its capability to provide legal services to the military units in their respective Areas of Operation.

“The Judge Advocate General Service is the most lethal non-combatant weapon in the AFP arsenal.”

General Fidel V Ramos 19th AFP Chief of Staff
during JAGS Golden Anniversary - 22 May 1987

“The JAGS Reserve is a unit composed of patriotic and committed lawyers who have volunteered their services and skills to address the various legal concerns of the AFP.”

General Cirilito E Sobejana Medal for Valor Awardee, 55th AFP Chief of Staff
during his visit to the OTJAG on 23 April 2021

“The JAGS Reserve is a vital partner of the Active JAGS in fulfilling our mandate of strengthening the competence of the AFP's legal services.”

BGen Ser-me L Ayuyao The Judge Advocate General

“We aim to be a relevant unit of the AFP and through this, we encourage others in the legal profession to be part of our mission in serving our country.”

BGen Peter C Suchianco Chief, The Judge Advocate General's Service Reserve